Classroom management is a process of organizing of effective classroom environment for students inside a classroom setting. Management system for teachers includes entering a class and communicating well on what the course entails and how the learning process will look. A positive learning environment also involved the instructions on how the class will proceed until it ends. An effective classroom environment is where a teacher offers guiding principles to the students. These principles enable them to understand what the teaching in such settings.

However, proactive classroom management strategies entail teachers’ activities such as coming up with a positive classroom environment setting, implementing, and maintaining it. Whatever the teacher does has many consequences when managing the students, handling children’s responses, and decorating the classroom.

The following are aspects of proactive classroom malmanagement strategies:

  1. Establishing a learning environment

Designing a positive classroom environment is what a teacher would want to begin with the environment at the start of the school year calendar. The classroom motivational strategies should capture both cognitive and physical spaces. The classroom arrangement should match the teacher’s thinking to know whether some distractions have been done away with in class. Also, the teacher should consider the cognitive space of the students. The Cognitive mind is all about the teachers’ expectations and motivational strategies the teacher has set for the students.

  1. Setting expectations

An effective classroom environment involves setting up expectations at the start of the school calendar. Teachers expect good behaviors by setting up rules and procedures. The teacher should create proactive classroom management strategies by explaining laws to the students. They should also explain how they will be held accountable for the academic activities they are doing.

  1. Motivational environment

Classroom motivational strategies involve giving students moral support to achieve their goals. Teachers should motivate their students and encourage them to perform well by putting all their effects into action and love what they are learning.

Value and effort are factors that determine the motivation of students. Therefore, the teacher should explain to the students the worth of their work and the connection to things they love. The teacher should also demonstrate and praise the efforts; the creativity the student uses to do their school work.

  1. Preserving the studying environment

Proactive classroom management strategies do not stop at the beginning of the school year calendar. So as the year progresses, the teacher should create classroom motivational strategies to maintain a positive classroom environment. The teacher should maintain the progress of each group of students and establish what actions to improve as time progress. An effective classroom environment involves maintaining the physical and cognitive space of the student. Also, the teacher should ensure that the students can transition from one activity to another smoothly without many challenges.

Proactive classroom management strategies require teachers to monitor the behavior of the students to correct when it is not good. Also, the teacher should check the students’ progress on their work and action to correct them and make them okay.

  1. When problems happen

An effective classroom environment requires managers who have planned themselves well to anticipate any behaviors that may occur. Teachers should have an effective action plan to deal with any behaviors that may distract the classroom environment. Ways of dealing with this include unobtrusive action; maintaining eye contact to indicate that the learner has done something wrong. Another technique is direct intervention when it comes to correcting behaviors. The manager should use the interventions drawn from the rules and procedures established at the beginning of the school calendar.


The above article has tackled proactive classroom management that teachers and trainers should consider having and maintain a positive classroom environment. As a teacher, you should go through them to know what is required to have an effective classroom environment.

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